Taylor and I are now the Logan family. We live in a basement now, but we have high ambitions of a home full of windows sometime in the near future. And in order to know where the Logan family might be headed in the DISTANT future, it’s a good idea to take a look at where we have been, so here are some pics to let you know some more about little Logans (and Registers!)in all of their glory. We fit into a few different categories.
Thats me on the right with stone-washed denim overalls. Since marrying Taylor, style has definitely become a priority.
That's my wife on the right. Bear in mind that this photo wasn't taken anywhere close to Halloween.
Another thing to know about the Logan/Register families is that we don't always fit in. I know that might seem a little bit like it connects with style, but there are subtle differences. When the crowd was doing one thing, you were quite likely to see little Taylor or little Luke doing something different, and I mean WAY different. Just take a look for yourself to get an idea how-
#2: We don't fit in.
While everyone else spent their early childhood on swimteams and eating tater tots in the school cafeteria, I spent a few years growing up in Europe where we wore swimsuits, pictured to the left, and found out that mayonnaise is sold in toothpaste-like containers. Ew.
When we moved back to the good old US and A for my third grade year, I quickly learned that speedo swimsuits just weren't cool.
As for my wife, when all of the other teenage girls dressed up in funky and revealing costumes for Halloween, this is the kind of stuff that Taylor would wear.
It not a bad thing to stand out in this way, but it definitely put us in the "we don't fit in" category. So in the DISTANT future, when there are more Logans on the scene, they might have their moments of not fitting in with the crowd, and hopefully these pictures will still be around to help make awkward childhoods a little more bearable.
Another thing that distinguishes us from the crowd and might point towards where the Logan family is headed WAY in the future is:
#3: We wear glasses.
We're talking generations on the Register side. However, fashion has come a long way and glasses can even be stylish and trendy, but when looking towards the future, unfortunately Logans will need corrective lenses (Sorry for the picture Deb!) Note: Wal-Mart's vision center has not carried red-framed glasses for at least 13 years, citing "lack of product demand." There is also a rumor that Taylor's little brother Derek wore pink Minnie Mouse glasses. After much searching, I have not been able to come up with a picture to confirm Derek's claim. However, Deborah did state that he wore "flesh-colored" glasses.
As for me, I didn't realize I needed glasses until a little bit later in life, but when I finally became a regular 4-eyes (I refuse to get contacts by the way), I fell in nicely with the other Logans: Connie, Andy (that's my mom and dad) and pictured is my Grandmother on my dad's side. You might know her as "Grammy."
Other relatives thatw ear glasses on my side are my Grandfather on my mom's side, my cousins Mary and Ken, and Uncle Gordy.
It's good to take a trip down memory lane and look at how far Taylor and I have come. She has come so far in learning style thanks to her mother Deb, who gets it from her mother (Taylor's Grandmother) Becky. And, Taylor has been kind enough to throw away all of my stone washed denim and Birkenstocks and replaced them with Banana Republic jeans (5 years old now and still awesome!) and New Balance running shoes. Now, we dare might say that we officially "fit in" with most of America in terms of style, but it was a rough-and-tumble way to get this far.
I wanted to leave you guys with one last image . When looking at the future, the VERY EXCEEDINGLY DISTANT future, I want you to keep in mind that the future does look great. We cite my niece, Lila McCoy as proof:

I can't decide whose posts I like best - Luke or Tay's! I would like to point out Taylor in the glasses picture next to her mom. That face says "I've made a huge mistake."
ReplyDeleteAlso - FLESH-COLORED GLASSES??????