Courtney and Matt are engaged!!! It all went down this past weekend in Asheville, NC. HOORAYYYYY!!! I am so excited for these two to get married in the fall. One might ask, "Who are Courtney and Matt?" Well...
I met Courtney in 7th grade while cheering for Greensboro All-stars; however, it was pretty short season for Courtney. I distinctly remember being beside Courtney as our ex-army captain coach was forcing us to do push-ups...the next thing I know she stopped pushing and quit and I thought I would never see her again. Fast forward to my second semester sophomore year when I had just transferred to ASU and moved into the Sigma Kappa hall. And guess whose the first person to walk into my room? You guessed it, Courtney! Then she invited me to her birthday with her friends at Dos Amigos (I'm pretty sure she felt sorry for me) and that's how I became frieneds with my new sorority sisters!

Then Matt came along surely after I first became friends with Courtney. Our first interaction was pretty hilarious...Matt worked in the student union where the Sigma Kappa girls were practicing our dance for Greek Week's Lipsync. This particular year we were supposed to dance a little more risky that I was used to, so obviously the dance required a chair and high heels. So, being the cheerleader I am, I tried to make up a move for the dance which I thought would be a hit for sure. It was something like a backbend...but I didn't realize that I may have the "cheerleader" down but not quite the sexy part and ended up crashing on the floor and hitting my tailbone on the concrete. It was a mix of tears and laughs, but ultimately I could not get off the floor. So, Courtney called on her new crush, Matt, who was working! He came to my rescue with a bag of ice, Tylenol, and then helped carry me to the car...it has been a great friendship ever since then. HAHA!

So, here is to the future Mr. and Mrs. Payne! I love you both and am looking forward to what God has in store for ya'll :)
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