Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rainy Days

Yesterday was a rainy day. And by rainy I mean monsoonish. Sadly, I had big plans to go to Crosskeys Vineyard for the day while my favorite compy, Stacey, was in town. Too bad we were rained out instead of wining down....

so instead Luke, Stacey and I stayed in our pajamas for most of the day and watched classic movies that we had never seen before (thanks to Netflix)

First up was The Big Chill, a movie my dad had been recommending to me for years because he said it reminded him of our friend group from back home. Which means most of us will end up addicted to drugs, single/divorced, cheating on our significant others, suicidal, and/or castrated. Hmmm hope that is not the case. Needless to say it was quite an interesting and entertaining movie. Very different from what I expected, but funny for sure.

We were trying to identify who would be who from our friend group. Some of our thoughts: Stacey would be the one to try to get one of our friends to lend out their husband so she could get pregnant as a single woman (haha just kidding Stace). Of course Lindsay would be the domestic wife and Emily the crazy yoga girlfriend who tends to be inappropriate and no one knows what to do with her (again I am just kidding)

Next up was The Graduate which I never knew was about the infamous Mrs. Robinson. After watching the movie, which made me really sad and uncomfortable but still entertained, we realized how many other movies play off The Graduate. Who knew that was where the wedding scene from the classic Wayne's World was from?! It left us wondering as they were driving away on the bus, were they happy or not (note photo below) Hmmmm....

So, after the 2 classic movies were over, we decided to watch some episodes of a show that is surely going to be a classic...Jersey Shore. I went two years without watching one episode of that show, but now I find myself wondering whats going on with Ron and Sammie Sweetheart and thinking that Snooki is really endearing (please don't judge me). Really, have I stooped this low?!

Although our plans were messed up because of the weather, we still had a great time with Stace this past here's to you Mrs. Robinson and rainy days!

1 comment:

  1. haha oooh so it was "the weather" that made it such a low-key weekend, huh??? i suppose it really didn't help the situation... but i dont think wine woulda been in the cards saturday either way!!!
