Friday, September 9, 2011

I am from...

I am from a unique house in an average neighborhood, from cheez whiz on ritz crackers and Smithfield’s barbeque.

I am from a piece of new furniture made to look old, the smells of things aged by other families and a deck with a hot tub filled with people I love the most.

I am from moss, the green filler that overlays rocks and running water features.

I am from beach trips filled with bocce ball and stubbornness, from Becky and John, George and Sadie.

I am from the family who travels as if we are skinny and rich and is never hesitant to have an open home.

From there is nothing you can do to make me not love you and it’s always better to be overdressed than underdressed…and GO TO HELL CAROLINA!

I am from a family who was in and out of church growing up, but later in life we each found God in a personal way, a God who brings light into darkness. And a Grandmother who was always praying for us to find him.

I’m from Columbia, South Carolina and we are southern as far back as we know, spaghetti nights and sweet tea.

From the father who proposed without a ring and no money, who works hard for his family, and my mother who makes you feel special even on days when you feel unlovable.

I am from an old shelf full of scrapbooks with pictures of cheerleading competitions, too many friends to name, and a family who has always supported me. I am from a firm foundation, which is more precious than gold.

Writing this poem was one of the first assignments I had to do for graduate school. They gave us template of different things to talk about (old stories, traditions, smells, food, religious experience, etc). It was an awesome exercise and made me so proud to be a part of my family!


  1. ah i love it tay! so glad you are off to a great start in school (again)!

  2. I need to comment that I took an education class and wrote that same poem but about my family....Needless to say, mine sounds really different! I loved yours, it really does remind me of your family!
