On the 5th day of Christmas (Monday)...I celebrated Greek IV style as we hosted over 30 JMU sorority and fraternity students in our house! We ate potluck, played Christmas movie trivia, and played a Christmas song game. It was delightful.
On the 4th day of Christmas (Tuesday)...my Junior discipleship group (named Power Hour) got together for a dinner at my house. We ate chicken parmesan, laughed, and talked about how we have seen God at work in our lives this past semester. It was such a joy to be with these girls, but sadly I don't have a picture.
On the 3rd day of Christmas (Wednesday)...my friend Kate and I planned a Tinsle Town Talent Night for our Small Group's Christmas party. She glitzzed up her house while I got together the program for the night. We have quite the talented (and hilarious) small group!
Here are few featured performances:
Charlie rapped "Men in Black" and Kate joined him as a back-up dancer...
Steve's "Chipmunk Golf" was a hit as he stuffed his mouth with 3 golf balls.
Beth sang a beautiful song that she wrote--it was so GOOD!
Earlier last week I walked in to our bedroom and Luke was practicing his talent wearing only his long johns...
he did the Thriller dance and I almost cried it was so funny. I have a video, but it was taking too long to upload! A picture will have to do for right now.

My talent? Well, a Christmas Cheer of course! "Deck the Halls with your In-laws"

Sophomore Girls, I adore them!

On the 1st Day of Christmas (Friday)...BIG LOVE CHRISTMAS. We ate a feast, decorated the tree, exchanged presents, played Disney Trivia, I read everyone The Grinch, watched FREE WILLY, and played nertz. And even though I lost both games, it was a joyful celebration as the week ended.
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