Monday, December 20, 2010

Dec 19, 2008

Two years ago Luke came home for the Dominican Repbluic to visit for Christmas! It was definitely a day with mixed feelings of excitement, hope, anxiety, and even some stress. You see, a month earlier I told Luke that I thought our friendship could be something more (after years of him pursuing me and continual ups and downs in our friendship), and now was the time for him to come home and see if it could work.

Houston, Leo, Charlie and I (all of which were his groomsmen in our wedding) headed to the Raleigh airport with signs ready and everything!

Then the moment came...Luke's arrival. I remember wondering "Will this be awkward? Will he try to kiss me? What do I say? Will our friends think this is weird?"

After a VERY awkward drive home (thanks to the guys in the back for their snickering comments) we headed to the surprise party and had a blast! After everyone left, we hung out on the couch and talked for hours. Then, right before I left for the night, Luke asked if he could kiss me. The best way to describe it after being friends for 7 years beforehand, "amazingly not awkward." Thus, marking December 19th 2008 our 2 year anniversary! What an exciting, hopeful, fun and sweet two years it has been.

More pics from his week at home when we first started dating:

Man, our friends had no idea what do with us and our new relationship, and probably still don't, haha!!

Luke, I love you! Happy 2 years :)

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