Houston, Leo, Charlie and I (all of which were his groomsmen in our wedding) headed to the Raleigh airport with signs ready and everything!

After a VERY awkward drive home (thanks to the guys in the back for their snickering comments) we headed to the surprise party and had a blast! After everyone left, we hung out on the couch and talked for hours. Then, right before I left for the night, Luke asked if he could kiss me. The best way to describe it after being friends for 7 years beforehand, "amazingly not awkward." Thus, marking December 19th 2008 our 2 year anniversary! What an exciting, hopeful, fun and sweet two years it has been.
More pics from his week at home when we first started dating:

Man, our friends had no idea what do with us and our new relationship, and probably still don't, haha!!
Luke, I love you! Happy 2 years :)
this is adorable :)