"Well, in my family we do it this way..."
Oh the joys of getting married and trying to figure out the holidays. I must say it has been harder than I thought giving up some of what my family does over Christmas...but it time for Luke and I to create OUR OWN FAMILY traditions as we are now a family too! So, up first...
cutting down our own Christmas tree. Growing up we always had a kids tree, AKA colored lights and tacky ornaments that only Dereck and I thought were cool, and a Adult tree, AKA my mom's more fashionable and fancy tree of silver and gold. Since college, I have never really cared about decorating for Christmas and all that jazz...until this year. Now, that we have the little cellar to ourselves, it only seems appropriate to get a tree and deck the halls.
Neither Luke or I ever cut down our own tree growing up, so we thought it would be fun for us to go to a farm close by and try it out. We had a great time!
The best part was going with some new friends of ours, the Suttons. Beth and Johnathan just joined our home group and they kindly invited us over for lunch and games before heading to the farm.
Their little son, Evan, was so precious! It was FREEZING outside and he was such a trooper! I loved his nose was turning red like Rudolph.
The whole time I really wanted a Charlie Brown Tree like the one below. I felt bad that maybe the small ones would never get chosen. They were just so cute!
But, then I came across the most perfect tree...
After we cut down our tree, you can go into this old building and get hot chocolate by a fire! You also get to pick out any ornament you want from their tree. We picked out a really pretty angel, as our first married ornament!
The finished product...and the perfect fit for our cellar :)
Very Cute Taylor! Loving the pics... would you mind e-mailing me the ones of J, Evan and I and of course the group shot of all of us. I tried to save from here but they save as a low quality. ~ Beth