Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Story behind Big Love

Last year my friends and I decided to live together in a house
across from JMU (pictured to the right).
Living in huge, Victorian houses with all your friends is kind of the thing to do here when you are an undergrad in the we thought it would be a good idea to get a bunch of 20 somethings in the area to live together in community! You also have to name your house. We wanted the name to indicate that we were "big girls" living in a college town and we all loved the show, Big Love, and thought, what a great name! By the way, if you ask Holly why the name is Big Love she will tell you it is because God's love is big. This is true, but not the reason we named it Big Love. Don't be fooled.

Now what is Big Love? Big Love is a mesmerizing show on HBO about a polygamist family trying to live a normal life. There is drama, romance, action, mystery, excitement...the whole nine yards. There are 3 wives. Barbara is the first wife and definitely the rock of the family. Then there is Niki who sucks and is used to living on a compound. Followed by the old babysitter and newest wife, Margie. She is super sexy and sassy and I love her. Luke frequently wonders how Bill, the husband, could have 3 wives...he is having a hard enough time with one! Wondering what wife you are? Check out this on-line quiz! I took it 3 years ago and was Nikki (the worst one) but since being married and maturing (haha) I have grown in my "wife-dom" and have recently matched up with Barbara. Who's excited?!

Now Luke and I live in the basement of Big Love together and we are below 5 women--sounds even more like the show huh?! But, no worries, Luke and I are committed to only each other--the girls upstairs are just fun to have as friends and housemates. And they always know to knock before entering :)

Luke with some past and present ladies of Big Love.

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