Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Top 5 "we caught you" pics from our Wedding Day

Luke and I just got the chance to sit down and look at all the photos from our wedding! Greg, our photographer did a great job and I highly recommend using his services; however, there were several unfortunate photos that were caught as well. Enjoy!

Honorable mentions go to:

Houston's incredible dance moves

and, Stacey's crazy face (center left bridesmaid)

And the Top Five

5. One of our upstairs housemates, Jess, is quite the looker, but maybe not quite the dancer (the girl in the pink tank, center). Maybe that fried oreo was just a little too distracting?! The funny thing is pics of Jess dancing could almost make all 5 of these photos.

4. I'm not really sure what is going on in the photo below. Up to your interpretation I guess.

3. John, our friend Haley's husband, rockin' out to Michael Jackson...I hope?

2. This is actually a progression of photos...note Houston's hand (on the left).

1. Getting ready, you never be too careful (check out the jorts in the background)


  1. I laughed so hard at these!!! hahahhaha.

    that is definitely scott making some adjustments in the bottom photo...? i don't think any of the other groomsmen are known for their jorts.

    also - eventhough i only got honorable mention, i am HAPPY to have contributed to your wedding photo delight.

  2. I would like to congratulate myself in discovering the shorts search in Derrick's primping photo. Priceless!

  3. I'm so glad you got a kick out of these. I never know whether to post these kinds of images on proof sites. Do I leave them or cull them out for fear people will be appalled at all funny the things we humans do. I almost died laughing on all the good ones at your wedding so I'm glad you have a sense of humor as well. Thanks Tayreg!
