Monday, February 21, 2011

Capital City

There are more reasons for Luke and I to visit DC these days. Not only are their beautiful monuments, interesting museums and great shopping...

But also, you can walk out of lunch and see people running a 5k in their underwear...

And then you can go to Georgetown and see the one and only DC Cupcake store that is on TLC. To bad the line was too long...but it was still fun to see the cute shop!

You can go to the Library of Congress! The World's largest library. You can even see Thomas Jefferson's personal collection of books!

Also, you can look for spies. Did you know that 1 out of every 10 people in DC is a spy?! And now that Luke and I are into Alias (yes we know we are 10 years late on that one), I am obsessed with finding spies. I think there were LOTS of spies in the library...Sydney Bristow...we know you were there somewhere.

The best reason for coming to DC these days is friends becoming friends. You see, Lisa was my roommate in Harrisonburg, she is dating Brandon. Brandon and I fell in love as friends, and then Lisa fell in love with Luke as friends. Drystan is a good friend from Greensboro who moved up to DC. I set Lisa and Drystan up for a "friend date" and they fell in love as friends. Then everyone came to our wedding. Drystan's "sister" Alli needed a ride home from Greensboro to DC so she could catch a bus to MD. Lisa and Brandon realized, after picking her up, that Alli was not Drystan's actual sister, but more like his sista. Lisa fell asleep, Alli and Brandon laughed the whole way home. They fell in love as friends also. Alli moved to Arlington in December for school. Now all our friends and friend and my heart could not be happier.

The best part of the weekend was what Luke called "tuning into the Alli show" on Saturday night. We made dinner and then Alli Phillps entertained us, very successfully, for 4 hours straight. No one I know can do it like she can.

Drystan, Alli, Lisa, and Brandon...thanks for a fabulous DC weekend. We are thankful for your friendship and can't wait to see you again! Also, Lisa, thanks again for labeling all the containers with the proper taco condiments. If it wasn't for you, the tomatoes might have gotten into the sour cream.

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