Sunday, July 17, 2011

Moving on up...

literally. We are moving on up. Out of the cellar and into a townhouse. This brings a mix of different emotions.

The cellar, and most importantly Big Love in general, has been so good to us. We have made a lot of memories during the past 2 years it has been a part of our lives. It has seen all of us through many seasons of our lives, and we have seen it go through different seasons too:

I cannot imagine spending our first year of marriage anywhere else. I lived here when we got engaged and planned the wedding...and then we spent our first year of marriage here. We started new jobs, got in our first fights, bought our first car, started graduate school, learned how to love each other as husband and wife all in this little cellar. And I know it has meant just as much to the other girls who have lived here the past 2 years. We have seen many engagements, changes in jobs, break-ups, different bachelors/bachelorettes and winners of So you Think you can Dance (oh yes).

During one of our last nights together we all shared some of our favorite memories in the house. I can't remember them all, but here were a few:

1. Our first year here, Ashley was using the jacuzzi downstairs and put on the jets before the water reached the top of them. They couldn't turn them off and the next thing you know Amy runs upstairs screaming "the basement is flooding!!" Apparently, they held up tarps to try to keep the water in before our not so cool landlord, Mr. Batey, "saved the day."

2. The Cinnamon Challenge

3. Themed Dinners...specifically childhood dinner!

4. Seeing Big Lovers getting married...Sarah and I even got married a week a part! And her and Amy got engaged a week a part!

5. Snow, sledding, cooking LOTS of bacon, margaritas, oh yeah and games...also the weekend that I accidentaly slammed Daph (the cat) across the floor and into the wall

6. Big Love Beach Trip

7. Luke's birthday, aka Key Lime Pie Night

8. Any night of being entertained by the SYTYCD cast and all the bachelors/bachelorettes!

9. Wine and cheese Part 1

10. When I accidentally left the door open for a couple hours. Jess and Holly came back to the house and found the stray black cats in our living room. Apparently it was the most mad Jess had ever been...I think she used a broom to get them out?! Oops!

And the list goes on and on and on...

as sad as we are to leave the Love, we are really excited about having windows in every room and floors without drains!!! So goodbye love, and hello vine street. It's been a good one.

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